Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Being Thankful Just to Eat

I don't particularly have anything right now made that I like to eat, but when I go tomorrow I may be thankful just to have a boiled egg.  Some people are thankful for public restrooms for "other" reasons.

Even if you don't make a full Thanksgiving dinner some years, still you've done what's best.

I'm not thankful to m..  ...-wise, I don't know what makes me thankful.  I guess it's all @ what it's all @.

I get very respectful of what I have as far as not being injured or disabled.

Finding One's Own Way

I am from Southeastern Florida.  When my brother was born when I was in the middle of my 2nd year of preschool, I noticed my mom was no longer with me all the time, correcting my every move.  I felt in some ways from remembering at the time that my parents wanted my brother to "feel good," were concerned about that, but lack social skills.  I see these adults who look as though Mammy cradled them until they were a teenager and even guiding them after high school into young adulthood.  People go by and wonder why I'm not calculated in my every move.

Bella Thorne

I think I can see how she functions.  She comes from a place in Southeastern Florida where "cool" is "comf."  Her singing is not especially otherwise emotional.  It's more like a rap to show you have attitude but nothing @ like just pining over whether or not your voice is angelic enough then..  It just sounds like she gets whatever she wants, + cuz she is skinny which is also cuz she's from that area..

I am from that area, as well, but it looks like she's more well-treated than me or something like being spoiled, sorry to say, privileged in ways people won't treat others same as treating someone from England or Europe better than an American.  Her dad is Spanish, so they probably think she is more "pure" in the South than someone with a North American father.  I don't even have any clue where her mom is from.

Sarah Brightman or Kate Bush?

Ginny and Ellen DeGeneres are not an option.

Most people would say Sarah Brightman is essentially calm and easy going, whereas Kate Bush is like a diva in some ways herself..  That's how I feel @ another substantial opera singer.

People are trying to say silly things like maybe Sarah Brightman is actually younger than me, fragile, much better at being gentle but in a cool way..  I mean, put her up to someone else and you think she has work to do.  It's hard to see if you have a brain and if you have priorities..  :|  Seriously, I just saw idea comes out of nothing, it just is the thing that annoys Christina.

People of History

There aren't that many.  I can't believe Mark Anthony, who recently passed away but held a record for most opereas at the Met, was with Leontine Price and they supposedly had no interest in 1 another, were shooting for the stars, so-to-speak.

I bet some people had a fancy for lots of people and never bothered to show interest.  A long time ago, it was about how you prepared as a person.  If you didn't, then no one would know what to do with you.

What about this.  What if a ballerina mom had a kid with a dad who was a singer or something like that?  That would be really neat.  I don't know how I see myself mixed with my parents.  I just pull strengths, but anyway.

Why wouldn't these artists bind together other than with a spouce to have a family?  What about parental|prodigy bonds, too, on the side?  It happens.  I can't seem to make myself a success, yet, I feel fat and stuff.  I just got all these sweets for Thanksgiving and need more ingredients to make a choice meal soon.

I know like Britney Spears shuns Christina Aguilera.  Justin Timberlake seemed nice, too, of course.  He seems a bit overloaded, maybe wants to be even more popular.  I know Britney Spears really goes to Ellen DeGeneres, but Christina Aguilera is confident in herself, from Pennsylvania.  Lots of people each day pledge their being hooked to Ellen DeGeneres, but it's like their parents didn't raise them right and that's the excuse.

I know how this works.

Do you want to meet Johnny Depp?  If you are really attractive, he will date you.  He left his spouce.  You would have to be nice enough to be cool, not just be a rebellious, irresponsible human being because that will just ruin your looks in a snap, just like that.

I don't know how to enter Sarah Brightman's life..  She was with Andrew Lloyd Webber and is not gay.  She is into other people but hasn't clicked to those around her that she supports in life.

Tim Burton, I imagine you'd have to be a great, emotional artist who rises over and above.  In school, if you were like that, if you really play all your cards right, you can try to be in a relationship, send him something for his birthday, do something special for him on set, seee if you can work backstage with him cuz he likes that.


There is a chance Ellen will never meet anyone again, like let attractive teens who love her like a mom into her life.  It would be hard to meet Tim Burton for most citizens of the world.  Johnny Depp may be easy-going, but there is only 1 like him.  I think Sarah Brightman needs to be protected, but I mean if she wants to majorly meet people because of her dedication to fans online or such then I mean I would have to say yes.  I don't know who will definitely meet me, but my 2nd cousin gaped at me when I mentioned the word e-mail.  I just wanted to say I communicate in public online with people, on my forum and blogs, not via e-mail.  Is that torture?  She's @ 40.  She knows I whined about being the oldest, and this has made my life torture to this day.

Ellen DeGeneres

Do you get jealous of her talking to all the famous people who go to events and dress up in pretty gowns and prom dresses?  Do you realize those people are so messed up they have no chance of being one of the next Portias.  They don't even know how to sign on to the internet!  They think 1 day they'll be able to steal all the attention but are very wrong..

She seems to have an ideology that you have to be famous to talk to her much at all or be in a menial position financially.  I guess she does what she does on purpose.  I feel rather that it's weird she's been with the young Portia for so long.  I don't have jealousy.  I'm just talking about it.  It seems a bit insulting and suggestive that she brushes all others aside for her.  I wonder if she wants that.  I just feel that she thinks she's "saying something."  I don't have anything against her.  I just don't understand how things in life can be so unfair and asymmetrical.