Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I don't believe in singing all the time as though it would make you happier than a child with candy at Christmas.

Now, singing is almost become a very important political issue to both parties, those who don't give a funny "fart" and those who say oh I'm have done Opera since like I started high school .. but I know you've already had your musical base..  :|

People are mean to me, think my magical quality should be taken away.  They think my singing is so gayly politically incorrect, like I didn't get lessons cuz I didn't submit to my parents at age 4 oh I'm a suck up of a girl who sings to demonstrate my zaniness to you!

All I can say at my numerous attempts at numerous performances, including even Asians.., has produced girls obsessed over some thing they can't do, like sing like a bot, a robot.  People like the famous, attractive opera diva babe Renee Fleming cuddle to this precocious behavior.  Well, Renee, let me, Christina age 27, tell you something.  I grew up strongly with the forcement that singing and performing is to be fun and that's like all that counts even!  If you say oh Christina is not really a Caucasian and that's how it's done, no one sings except people who can't and pay attention to stupid things and then there's the occasional nonentity like me..

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