Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

It only comes once!  I've had a share of cyber-blogging and decided to make a professional blog where people can really talk to me from the real world, where I don't use curse words, don't flat out say a certain other word even when feeling intense pain.. where people will learn to respect me as someone else, someone I was..

My main say is I think us having computers is in our blood but the best thing in the world to blog.  I was discouraged when I lost and could not refind a page at age 11 in 1998.  I just e-mailed.  My only reason for even being online now is my love of..Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, but now they've taken away that magic that the world had just for us not being perfect.

I like the TV on, like I have now, though I haven't much.  I watch "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" about every day when I can.

I mainly was interested to come in on anti-racism.  I am very interested in different cultures, like the Middle East..

I also before I fell was big on netiquette but had no answer and retreated to being a personal blogger.  I mostly feel bad when I curse, but I believe it's the message and not an individual word.  Stare at that word as long as you like.  Don't give people a hard time for it cuz you know you do something like that, too.  Some people wish they didn't, already!  Get the people who do the thing on purpose that you don't like!!

School was a failure and not worth it.  You have to go to a school that lets you sleep so you can come in and do magic on the test.


  1. Hi Christina,

    This is a lovely blog site. I'm happy to find it. I'm happy to read your thoughts. It helps me to understand you better. I hope we can continue communicating in this way. I have your site saved so I can come back whenever I want.

  2. Thank you so much! I know it's laborious with my public forum PLUS this and any hope of meeting people online nor even having people we know post with us. You can be my cyber buddy. Well, I hope I have some good things to post @ in the future.


Hi, I am Christina Barrett, and this is my blog. I invite you to post your comments on my blog posts. I hope we get some celebrities and Hollywood stars to talk to us, as well. Non-famous people, please post so we can get things going.. famous people, please post so we know you did it.